
Employer FAQs

Is RemoteWork.ph a hiring agency?

No, we are not an agency. We do not find, interview or hire employees for you. 

RemoteWork.ph is an online marketplace where you can post a job listing and hire a Filipino remote worker directly.

What can I do with a FREE account?

You can post job listings and review applications to get an idea of potential candidates.

However, you won’t be able to contact and hire them until you subscribe to a paid account.

What if it doesn’t work out with my new hire?

If things don’t work out with your remote worker, you can end the working relationship and look for another worker by relisting the job post or searching through resumes.

What is your refund policy?

We have a 30-day money back guarantee! So if for any reason you are not 100% satisfied or don’t find the perfect match within 30 days, we will give you a full refund. (Only 1 refund per customer)

Can I unsubscribe after hiring someone?

Yes, you can unsubscribe at anytime! There are no contracts, so once you’ve hired someone, you can cancel your subscription and restart it later if you need to find another worker.

How do I cancel my subscription?

Once you’re logged into your Employer account, just click Account > Subscription > Cancel Subscription.

Once you’ve cancelled your subscription, your account will automatcially revert to the Free Plan. 

How do I pay the person I hire?

You can send money directly to your worker by using a variety of remittance websites. Here are a few of the most popular ones:
– Wise (Our Recommendation)
– Paypal
– Western Union
– Remitly

For the complete guide on how to pay your virtual assistant, click here.

How often should I pay my worker?

You should pay your remote based on what you both agree on. Usually, workers are paid bi-weekly or monthly. To build trust with each other, you might want to pay once a week for the first month or two.

Should I pay per-hour or a fixed monthly rate?

This depends on the type of work. Hourly pay is good for tasks with variable hours, while a salary is better for regular, ongoing work.

How much should I pay?

The amount you should pay your worker depends on their skills, experience, and the job requirements. Research typical pay rates in the Philippines for similar jobs to ensure your offer is fair and competitive.

For the complete guide on Virtual Assistant Rates, click here.

Who will manage my worker?

You will be in charge of managing your remote worker. We recommend using free tools like Trello, Asana, or Notion to organize tasks, communicate, and track progress effectively.

Can I communicate with my worker outside of the platform?

Yes, you can communicate with your worker outside of the platform. However, it’s important to keep records of all communication related to work for transparency and security purposes.

How can I trust my hire with sensitive information?

To keep sensitive info safe, you can give your hire more access as they show they can be trusted. You can also use password manager apps like 1Password, NordPass, or Bitwarden to share passwords securely without actually showing them.

How do I track my employee’s hours?

To keep track of your workers’ hours, you can use time tracking software like Clockify or Toggl Track. But remember, the most important thing is seeing the results of their work to know if they’re doing their job well.

Am I responsible for my worker’s healthcare?

No, you are not required to provide any benefits. It’s up to you if you want to provide additional benefits like bonuses and reimbursements.

What is the 13th month?

The 13th month pay is an extra month’s salary given to Filipino employees (in December) as a bonus. While it’s not mandatory for foreign businesses to pay this extra month’s salary, some may choose to offer it as a bonus. If there was any bonus you considered paying, this one should be it as most of them will expect it. Make sure you discuss this during the hiring process.

To learn more about the Philippines work culture, you can read this blog post.

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